Tips on Supporting Kids' Immune System

Autumn is here! Colder months mean warmer clothes, shorter days and, for most of us, a weakened immune system. Autumn is the perfect time to start looking at boosting your kids' immune systems and ensuring they stay healthy and avoid those nasty winter bugs. 

Even just thinking about a coughing and sneezing child with a high temperature makes any mum anxious. Of course, want our little munchkins to be healthy, but there are also other factors, like spending unnecessary money on doctors and medicine or having to take time off work, which some of us cannot afford.  

So how do we support and boost a child's immune system? Below we wanted to share some handy tips to help you keep kids cold and flu-free this winter.

Increase Food and Drink That Boosts Immune System
Include food that is rich in Vitamin C to boost your child’s immune system. Sneak garlic and ginger in your dinners, pack their lunches including orange slices or pomegranate seeds and make freshly squeezed juice for them every morning. 
It is important to mention that keeping processed sugar to a minimum also helps hugely. Sugar isn’t good for the immune system, as it decreases immune response and increases systemic inflammation.

Look After Digestive Health
Paying attention and nourishing your digestive system will enhance your immune system, so make sure to include probiotic foods in your kids’ diet. For example, place a yoghurt tub in their lunch box every day.   

Get Enough Sleep
We cannot stress enough how important this is for kids and adults. Sleep is when our body repairs and restores, so don’t go short on this important time and ensure your kids get a good night's sleep every night, even during weekends or school holidays.

Keep Stress Free
The immune system is affected when we are stressed. Over-scheduled activities, an unstable environment at school or home contribute to stress levels which in turn affect the kids’ immune systems. Be mindful of that and try your best to facilitate a stress-free environment for the little people in your lives. 

We all know that exercising is great for any time of the year, but sometimes colder months decrease the number of times we get out in the fresh air “because it’s just too cold”. Walking, running, playing sports, and anything physical helps our immune system tremendously, so don’t be lazy even on the coldest of the mornings - wrap up the whole family and head outside for a morning walk. 

Include/Increase Immune Boosting Supplements 
If your kids take vitamins all year round, you may want to consider increasing the dose or including immune-boosting supplements during colder months. Adjusting their vitamin intake based on seasons is a smart move and something that will ensure they are supported during colder months in the right way.  

Develop Good Hand Hygiene Habits
It’s a very easy thing to do, but something lots of us forgets to do regularly - wash our hands! If your kids develop this habit from an early age, you won’t regret it, as it can save you from having kids fall sick. Make sure to use a good old soap, as antibacterial liquids kill all bacteria, and kids still need some bugs to help with building a strong immune system.


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