How to Get Into the Holiday Spirit

The time leading up to the Christmas holidays can be overwhelming; some don’t feel festive or struggle to get into the holiday spirit. 

This year has also been challenging with the recent New Zealand lockdown and restrictions. As a result, many people have not seen their loved ones in a while. This can be even more overwhelming for some families. 

If you’re a parent with a busy family life who isn’t feeling that festive, we wanted to share some easy ways to get into the Christmas feeling of it all.

Get the Christmas tree up and decorate it sooner than later

Lots have already decorated their Christmas tree, and so should you! It adds that Christmas excitement for the kids and creates a holiday feel.

Host virtual Christmas drinks

For those friends or relatives you cannot see these holidays, organise a Christmas catch-up over a video and celebrate it that way. 

Organise a Secret Santa with a few close friends or family members

This is a fun and easy way to enjoy the holiday without too much financial stress. Secret Santa can be from $10 to $30 and something nice to receive leading to Christmas. Presents can be posted to those who don’t live close to you. 

Make Christmas cards at home

Hold a card-making activity with kids and get everyone to create DIY cards for family and friends. A personal touch is always appreciated, and it’ll be much more special for those receiving them. 

Give back

The times have certainly been tough for many, and if you can give something back to the community, it’s a great way to help others and start feeling festive. Find a local organisation to which you can donate food, clothes or presents and spread the cheer that way.


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