What is Biotin?

Biotin is an often-overlooked micronutrient that plays a crucial role in the growth and development of children. It is a water-soluble B vitamin. While biotin is commonly associated with promoting healthy skin, hair, and nails in adults, its benefits extend far beyond aesthetics, making it a valuable component of a child's nutritional profile.

Biotin supports the metabolism of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins. In children, whose bodies are in a constant state of growth and development, these metabolic processes are especially critical. Biotin aids in converting food into energy, providing the necessary fuel for active play, cognitive functions, and overall vitality.

Biotin also supports kids’ brain development, supporting the formation and maintenance of healthy cells. 

While biotin deficiencies are rare, we suggest parents include biotin-rich foods in their children's daily intake. Foods such as eggs, nuts, seeds, legumes, liver, kumara, mushrooms, bananas, broccoli, avocados and others are excellent natural sources of biotin. 

If you are concerned about your child meeting biotin requirements through diet alone, we suggest talking to your GP and also looking at Childlife Essentials Multi-Vitamin SoftMelts to get this micronutrient from supplements and boost your child’s health that way.

In summary, from energy metabolism to cognitive development, this often-overlooked B vitamin plays a crucial role in nurturing the well-being of our kids.


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