Liquid Calcium with Magnesium

Natural Orange  Flavour

474ml Liquid Formula

For Ongoing Maintenance and Support

It contains Calcium, Magnesium, Zinc and Vitamin D, which are the primary nutrients that help support healthy bone growth and development for children. Childlife Essentials Calcium with Magnesium provides these essential minerals in citrate form, which is needed for optimum absorption and utilisation of calcium. It can be given when your infant starts eating solid foods, continuing throughout the teenage years.

Why Children Need It?

Children require calcium to build strong bones and teeth. It is one of the most abundant minerals in the human body. Bones and teeth contain 99% of the calcium in the body, while the remaining 1% is distributed in other areas. 

By the time your child reached age 17, almost 90% of their adult bone mass will already have been established. For this reason, it’s imperative that your child gets enough calcium daily. Unfortunately, it is not possible to provide an optimal Calcium-rich diet for children every day. Here is where supplementation can help.

How To Take:
6 – 12 months:
 1 teaspoon daily
1 – 3 years: 2 teaspoons daily
4+ years: 1 tablespoon up to 2 x daily



“My 10-month old daughter loves it! She is teething at the moment and we’ve had some terrible nights but since we started using this her sleep has slightly improved and I feel good knowing she is getting the extra calcium. I’m loving the size of the bottle too and the instructions are easy to understand.” - Rebecca, Auckland

”My 7 month old takes it willingly from a spoon. I feel good knowing he is getting the extra calcium. His sleep has also improved slightly which is also a plus! The packaging is great, love the size of the bottle.” - Amanda, Christchurch

”My 10-month old loves the taste and takes it easily. I’ve been giving it to her at night before her bedtime bottle. The Magnesium has helped to relax her into her bedtime routine.” - Kyle, Hamilton 

“After using this for a week, I noticed that all 3 of my children had better sleeps. What was prefect about this is one of my children has a severe dairy allergy and it upped his calcium levels quite a bit.” - Ngahuri, Palmerston North

“I was worried at first that bubba would have a reaction of some kind but maybe that’s just the mama bear in me.  I’m stoked to say bubba seems to quite like his spoonful. I wondered why he giggles at a spoonful so I tasted it myself, it is quite yum. It’s not sickly sweet. It tastes like vitamin C. He was a bit confused at first as it is like milk coloured but he knows if it comes from a spoon it’s his supplement. I was at first skeptical that the magnesium would help with sleeping. My 7month old DOES NOT take naps during the day at all so after the 3rd day of him taking this after we usually have it in the morning he actually takes 2hr naps in the arvo. Soooo good!” - Janna, Auckland

“Love this liquid calcium! So surprised at how big the bottle was when we received it! Great taste, my boy is always hard to get anything liquid apart from bottles into him so was shocked when he took it right off the spoon! We have had to put it in his bottle a couple of times though. We have had trouble with him sleeping from the get go. At the moment I think the magnesium in the product is working as we have dropped from 3-4 wakes a night to 1-2!” - Devon, Waiuku

“I was very surprised at the size of the bottle when I received the ChildLife Liquid Calcium. Great size. My 1 year old son loves it and I give it to him via a syringe save spillage. My son is lactose intolerant too, so it definitely helps.” - Kim, Christchurch

“I was pleasantly surprised at how big the bottle was when I received the ChildLife liquid calcium in the mail. Once I took the lid off and sampled a bit (which was sweet), my three year old was straight over asking me what it was and if he could have some. He gulped down his two teaspoons and was promptly asking me for a third. Thumbs up from him. I found it was a bit of a challenge feeding a teaspoon to miss independent 10-months who will only feed herself, so I popped some in a syringe as I do for her pamol and she also gulped it down and has her mouth wide open each evening for her ‘dessert’. It’s great knowing they are getting these extra calcium and it tastes great so it’s easy peasy to give to them. I wish the bottle had a child resistant cap on it, as it tastes great I’m scared Mr three might try to help himself.” - Stef, New Plymouth

“I was pleasantly surprised with the size of this bottle of ChildLife Liquid Calcium. My little girl absolutely loves it. She has her mouth open and ready for the two teaspoons she has. I gave it a try too and was pleasantly surprised, not too sweet but definitely tasty and appealing to little ones. Great product and a hit with the little lady.” - Hollie, Whanganui 

“My 10-month old absolutely loves this! Every time I bring out the bottle he has his mouth open and ready. When usually it’s a fight to give him any sort of supplement or medicine. Since giving it to my little one he sleeps a lot better.” - Mollie, Nelson

“I gave a dose of the Liquid Calcium to my 10-month old at lunch time and she loved it, I even had a taste and was delicious and milky! A few days on she is now getting up on her knees and hands and getting stronger! I have also tried this on my 4-year old and he also loves the taste and lines up for his serve every day as well and is quick to remind me should i forget!  He has started to sleep through the night again finally and is not as hungry as he has been before we started on this.  Love the product and love the taste.” - Stephanie, Christchurch

”When the ChildLife Liquid Calcium bottle arrived,  I opened it and had a wee taste and it was delicious. My partner also wanted a try and was pleasantly surprised by the taste. My 10 month old opened his mouth wide and gulped it down too. Each night he happily walks over for his nightly dose. Since starting with the Childlife Calcium and Magnesium, my son has started sleeping through the night, which has been awesome.” - Kat, Auckland

“First I smelt the Liquid Calcium before offering the children as they asked what it tastes like. It is milky white but tastes like orange. Much to my delight they loved it and said yum after telling miss 4 it is yummy. Miss 12 was so interested in this new product she read the label it came with attached to the top. She asked me several questions. Master 15 months was good at taking as well, using a syringe.” - Natalie, Auckland

“Wow, when this Liquid Calcium with Magnesium arrived in the mail, I was like wow this bottle is huge! Miss now 11 month old loved the taste, I am impressed all 3 kids can have it too! I’m actually certain this has helped kids sleep better at night, I am very impressed with the product!” - Jackie, Whangarei

“I was after the magnesium for sleep but I don’t mind the fact it’s actually a calcium supplement with magnesium. With my picky eaters I will try anything.  Both my 1 & 3 year old loved the consistency and taste – fruity so very pleasant... much better than the powdery tablets I take.” - Helena, Rangiora

“I found this ChildLife product great for all 4 of my children! The bottle size is really good and I love that it does all ages so i only need to buy one product! I found the magnesium added in good too,  I think it helped with my 3 year old sleeping!” - Ashleigh, Waiuku

“I was pleasantly surprised about the size of the large bottle – huge! All 3 kids loved this Liquid Calcium and beg for more!  And the baby had no issue at all taking it.  I was impressed at the addition of the Vitamin D and magnesium – a good additional way to get this in the kids. I had a taste and loved it also!” - Samara, Auckland

These are some of the testimonials provided by kiwi mums from Kidspot Trial