How to Survive the NZ Lockdown with Kids

With the recent New Zealand lockdown and uncertain times ahead, many people have been forced to get used to a new environment. For families with younger children, it means having energetic kids at home 24/7, trying to keep them entertained and the whole family sane.

With the uncertainty of the current times, many feel anxious and unsure of how to be right now, so it is important to mention that we all must look after our mental health and support one another where needed, especially within our family bubbles.  

We wanted to share some helpful tips to include in your survival manual during this challenging time at home with kids (especially if you're a working mama and juggling a few tasks simultaneously). 

Make a daily schedule

Kids strive for routine and when they know what to expect daily. Making a clear daily schedule (and sticking to it) will provide peace of mind for kids and yourself. Children are somewhat more manageable when they know what's happening during their day.

Look after yourself

During challenging times we mum often forget to look after ourselves, as we are busy attending to kids. You should remember that without a happy mum, kids also become unhappy. If you need to stop and take a deep breath, do it. If you feel overwhelmed or stressed, take some time out (even if you have to force yourself) and have a bath, read your favourite book or chat with a friend online.

Don't stress about homeschooling

Some schools will provide learning material, and some kids (like older kids getting ready for exams) will need to study on their own. Don't put pressure on yourself if you can't teach your kids or facilitate their learning. The times are challenging, and there's no need to feel mummy guilt that you aren't doing as well as you should be. Kids are getting enough learning experience in the current times as it is. Teaching for some people isn't their forte, so there's no need to stress yourself about it and do what you can within the current environment. 

Be aware of screen time

There is so much to learn, play with and watch online, and we can get caught up thinking that the kids are busy and productive (if it's learning), but don't be fooled, as large amounts of screen time aren't good for little eyes and kids more often than not become little zombies. It might be the perfect time to get those old toys out of storage and discover new things to play with. 

Create a play environment at home

Lounges and other parts of the home aren't usually equipped for full-time living and playing, so make sure to create a few areas for kids to play in. This will make them feel like they have a special spot allocated for their play.


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